Spring Transitions in Yellowstone National Park
Dale and his daughter, Palen, cycled round trip from Mammoth to Norris yesterday. Spring cycling in Yellowstone is an experience not to be missed. Prior to the roads opening to vehicles, the Park Service allows access on the road from Mammoth to West Yellowstone. The dates vary from year to year depending on conditions, but you can typically plan on this roadway being open to non-motorized recreationists about 3 weeks in advance of the highway being open to vehicles.
As you can tell from the photos, conditions were ideal yesterday. Spring made its presence felt with warm temperatures and a light breeze. These conditions brought out the crowds. There were several hundred other cyclists enjoying the day, and a great time was had by all. Quite a contrast to the days from 1996 – 2006 when we organized an annual spring cycling tour to share this experience and we’d see maybe a few dozen other cyclists on the finest days.
It’s been a long winter, not just for us but for the critters of Yellowstone as well. While it feels like we’re over the hump, it’s still a very stressful time for wildlife and a number will still perish even as spring comes alive. Give them space and don’t let your presence affect their behavior.
The road from Mammoth to West opened to vehicles on Friday, April 21st, and the forecast isn’t ideal for the next several days. But if you have the urge and can break away sometime this week, a day spent in Yellowstone is always a memorable experience regardless of the weather. Just plan accordingly. Feel free to contact us with any questions.