Emigrant is a distinctive peak that stands well out of the main body of the Absaroka Range, with its summit providing exceptional views----not only of the crest of the Absarokas, but of Lone Peak to the west, and the Tetons to the south.
The trailhead is accessed from Livingston via East River Toad to Sixmile Creek. Follow the Sixmile Creek road for 3.7 miles, turning left at the junction with the road to Dailey Lake. After another 1.5 miles, a signed left turn leads up a short stretch of road to the Gold Prize Creek trailhead. Walk past the road closure along the closed road, which leads through a portion of the 1,200 acres that burned in the Sixmile drainage in July, 1999.
The road becomes a trail at a small campsite and begins to steepen. After approximately 50 yards, turn left at a trail junction and follow the sidehill trail (a short portion of which reverts back to two-track,) climbing steeply through sage and scattered stands of pine and fir toward a ridgetop meadow with good views of Paradise Valley below. Continue to follow a fenceline along the ridgetop; beyond the fence, climb through a grove of firs and whitebark pine to treeline. Follow the obvious ridgeline along a hit-and-miss trail through a combination of boulders, scree and alpine tundra to the summit.
Remember to tread lightly and leave no trace.
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Here's how to get to the trailhead: